About Ariyana

As a musician, vocalist, and composer, Ariyana Ki'mah creates sonic landscapes, taking listeners on vivid inner journeys through exotic lands and faraway places, allowing the imagination to roam through expansive fields of imagery and awareness. Ariyana's ethereal music and haunting vocals transport you to an enchanted, mystical world filled with possibilities.

Ariyana draws her inspiration from nature and ancient mystical traditions from around the world, tapping into the universal sound current to create peaceful, harmonious, healing environments. Ariyana's performances provide an oasis of calm, transcending space and time, allowing an opportunity to relax into oneself to gain clarity, insight, inspiration, and a deeper sense of well-being.

Ariyana holds a Master’s and Doctorate degree in Ancient History, Philosophy, and Religious Studies. She has been a new age recording artist, intuitive sound healer, meditation guide, and spiritual teacher for 20 years. Ariyana’s music is currently used internationally by individuals and wellness professionals to enhance relaxation, meditation, healing, creativity, yoga, and mindful living. 

Imagination is one of the most powerful tools we have for creativity, healing, and transformation. Ariyana invites you to join her on a sonic journey, engaging your imagination and igniting your creative spark within.

What Others Are Saying

"Ariyana's music is a full, deep, glorious breath of Love! Both poet and guide, her beautiful music helps you to dive deep and soar high -- the inner path is lit, the way to the heart and soul illuminated. Her voice is pure essence of Spirit, an angel, a beacon, that leads straight to the heart. I have been a meditator much of my life, but her CD Harmonic Gateways was a radiant life changer for me. For awakening, for peace, for harmony, for healing . . . Ariyana's music is magnificent!" 

Kathryn Williams, Saint Jane Jazz 

“Ariyana’s music creates a profound sense of serenity and peace, and makes you feel like you are being transported to other places -- places of nature, with waterfalls and gentle streams, and sacred spaces, places of deep spirituality with bells and deep resonant gongs, encouraging us the listeners to enter a natural and gentle meditative state.” 

Elizabeth MacDonald, Yoga Instructor 

“I have had the pleasure of participating in several of Ariyana’s sound healing meditations both privately and in a group setting. Meditation has never been more profound for me through the art of her work. Ariyana carries such a purity of divine essence in her presence that there is no denying the intention behind what she does. She is a true facilitator of healing light and love. May you all be able to experience this amazing shift of clarity in your consciousness by being present in her sound. She is a true gift to healing the heart of this planet.” 

Wendy Hartley, Yoga Instructor 

“I have been blessed to have worked with Ariyana for several years, both privately and in group settings, which have included chant nights, sound healings, and various workshops and retreats. She has vibrationally cleared and balanced my last two homes, which greatly enriched them both. Ariyana is an extraordinary spiritual teacher and intuitively gifted healer who is tapped into Divine energy. Her music, voice, and use of sacred crystal and Tibetan bowls, gongs, and bells blend perfectly to create a unique and powerful healing environment that has expanded my heart and soul.” 

Marie Howell, Sacred Artist 

“Ki’mah reaches into realms yet to be realized to create music that restores the Soul.” 

Renee Morgan Brooks, Motivational Performer